Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Mia and I got bored!

So there is this Kinderspielplatz over by my house. BTW Kinderspielplatz is German for Playground. And it has this Zip Line Swing. AMAZING!!!
So I showed Mia and she thought it would be dumb at first. NOPE PROVED HER WRONG!!!
Here is a video and some pictures of how fun it was. We were laughing the whole time like little 5 year olds.
You must click to see the video obviously...
And some pcitures. XD

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Sorry I haven't blogged in awhile. But here we go. This is going to be a big one but seperated in 4 parts
The first part are my BAR TRIPS! Now I don't go often, but when I do, I am LEGAL to drink all, and my host parents allow me to drink, but not in excess. Like if I came home completely drunk and incoherrent, I would be in a LOT of trouble.
SO here we go!
And remember if you want to see it bigger, CLICK IT!
Teachers: You may or may not want to see this. There are images of alcohol in my proceed if you want. XD

Now onto the Herrenhäuser Gärten
There was a HUGE fireworks show from the Dutch team. SO I took pictures all day and some of the show:

here is some more of Hannover. Just to let you know, the reason I took a picture of the red light district is BECAUSE I HAVE NEVER SEEN IT! Hahaha!